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How to Pan Fry Crab Cakes


  • Cameron's Jumbo Maryland Crab Cake
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Skillet
  • Spatula
  • Platter
  • Paper Towels


  1. Prepare your favorite crab-cake recipe: In this case we are using our very own Maryland Jumbo Crab Cakes. Shape your mixed ingredients into cakes that are about 1-inch high and make sure the crab cake recipe you are using is not so dry that is falls apart easily.

  2. Add the olive oil to a frying pan and heat it over medium-high heat.
  3. Use a spatula to place the crab cakes into the hot frying pan. Be cautious to prevent the oil from splattering on your skin.
  4. Cook the crab cakes until they are golden brown on the side facing down. This takes about five minutes.
  5. Flip the crab cakes with a spatula, being careful so that they do not break apart. Cook the cakes on the second side until they turn golden brown, or about five minutes.
  6. Remove the crab cakes from the frying pan and place them on a platter lined with paper towels to remove excess oil.
  7. Serve your delicious crab cakes.